

All The Imaging Source cameras can be addressed under Linux. Some legacy hardware is not supported by the tiscamera libraries.

supported devices

Firmware Update

In the event a firmware update is required, take the following steps:


The following tools are required for a firmware update:


tcam-firmware-update is not part of a standard tiscamera installation. You can find it here:


tcam-firmware-update is not part of a standard tiscamera installation. You can find it here:


tcam-gigetool is part of a standard tiscamera installation when GigE support is enabled.

Identifying the Camera

To identify the available devices, execute the following command in a terminal:

tcam-firmware-update -l
tcam-firmware-update -l
tcam-gigetool list

Locate the Firmware

Go to the directory <tiscamera>/data/firmware/usb2/.

Locate the latest firmware for the camera.

Please contact the Imaging Source to receive the necessary files.
Please contact the Imaging Source to receive the necessary files.

Writing the Firmware

sudo tcam-firmware-update -u -d <SERIAL> -f <path to firmware file>
sudo tcam-firmware-update -u -d <SERIAL> -f <path to firmware file>
tcam-gigetool upload --serial <SERIAL> firmware=<path to firmware file>